Our RO Membrane Cleaning Chemicals based on modern polymers help to reduce deposits, impurities, and scale in your system’s membranes. The NSF Certified (NSF/ANSI 60) Food-grade range of dosing chemicals for RO plants including Antiscalants, Antifoulants, biocides, and Cleaners are specially designed chemicals that keep these contaminants from attaching to the membrane surface. Reverse Osmosis (R.O.) is commonly used for desalination (demineralization) and purification of water as it proves to be economical in the long run. The performance of an R.O. system gets hampered due to impurities that build up on the membrane surface during operations. Suspended solids, microorganisms, and mineral scales can foul membrane elements. These deposits can cause a loss in output and/or rejection levels and reduce overall system performance. These RO membrane cleaning chemicals also prove to be economical in the long run.